Saturday, September 14, 2013

Teal Everyone Knows- Ovarian Cancer Awareness


September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. My friend Crystal over at My Ramblings asked her blogging friends to post about Ovarian Cancer to help raise awareness. I was happy to participate, not only because this is an important cause, but because this subject affects me directly.

Last Sunday, my Aunt passed away after losing her battle with ovarian cancer. This week was an emotional one to say the least. The service was perfect and I was definitely reminded of how blessed I am to be part of such an amazing family. She is already missed so much, and I regret not knowing her better... Because she was an incredible, strong willed woman. She fought a hard fight. 

After visiting her a few weeks ago, it became clear to me that this is a disease that I need to know more about. 

I am no expert of course, but I did find some information online. I made a board on Pinterest to gather information and spread awareness. (After stealing that idea from Crystal)

Basically, the best defense that you can have against this disease is to be informed and to watch for possible symptoms. Here is a pin that I stumbled across explaining symptoms to watch out for.


Please, if nothing else save this information and pass it on to the women in your life. Pay attention to symptoms... Don't ignore them, and talk to your doctor with concerns. 

Remember: Ovarian Cancer whispers... So listen up! 

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