Friday, January 9, 2015


As we all know, change is basically inevitable. Now that I am approaching the big 3-0, I am feeling not only more receptive to change, but also I feel like I am really thirsting for it. This, in addition to my "One Little Word" for 2015 (Grow). I have decided to take a huge step and move on from this blog.

No, this doesn't mean that I am leaving or quitting blogging, by any means. This means that I am starting a new blog and leaving this one behind. I feel like I need a fresh start with a new name and a new layout. This blog was fun for a while, but it no longer feels like me.

Also, I eventually plan to make products to sell, so I want my blog name and business name to be interchangeable.

I'm not linking my blogs together because I am ready for a fresh start and a clean break. So, this blog will still be here in order for you to reference my older, more popular posts. And my new blog will be completely separate.

So go check out the new blog at:

My Pinterest and Instagram are linked up to the new blog and I have a new fan page created and ready to go. You can definitely follow along with me on all three social media sites.

Facebook Fan Page:
Blog address:

Also, lastly I want to make a huge shout out to Crystal at My Ramblings. She took my sloppy idea for a logo and turned it into something beautiful.

She is so incredibly talented and I don't know what I would do without her. She's amazing. You should probably go buy some Tupperware from her.

Anyway, be sure to change your bookmarks and I will see you over at Ruffles, Rust & Sawdust!

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