Thursday, March 17, 2011

Renewal Vows

Last weekend, I finally got my wording written up for the ceremony. One of my best friends will be officiating the ceremony... since we are already legally married, we did not need anyone that is ordained. However, she's never done this kind of thing before so we had to write the wording from scratch. 

Well, scratch-ish... I did find that this site is an excellent source for vow renewals and I used her wording to guide me in writing my own.

So here goes!

Officiant: Friends and family we have been invited here today to witness a very special moment for Groom and Bride’s names, the reaffirmation of their wedding vows.

When wedding vows are renewed it is an announcement to the world and to one another that the bond and the love that you share has grown stronger and deeper over time.

So today, in the presence of your friends and family you are reaffirming your commitment to one another.
Groom and Bride, repeat after me:

I take you to be my constant friend,

my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.
I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals,
to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you
and to cherish you for all eternity.”

Officiant: Groom and Bride, these rings are outward symbols of your ongoing commitment to one another. Repeat after me.From this day on,

I recommit myself to you,
and give you this ring
as a symbol of my continued love and devotion.

Officiant: May the commitment you two have expressed today continue to grow in understanding love, commitment and devotion.

With great joy I announce to all present that you truly are husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride.

Hmmmm... guess I better get this emailed so she can start practicing in the mirror! ;)

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